Siraj to lead march against inflation on Friday , Writes a letter to CEC Raja to ensure general election on same day


LAHORE: Jamaat-e-Islami Emir Sirajul Haq will lead three-day awami march from Lahore to Rawalpindi against inflation on Friday.

Talking to party workers here on Thursday, the JI emir said the government had made full surrender before the IMF, ignoring the public interest.

Reminding the PDM and the PPP about their long marches and rallies against inflation as opposition parties, he said the both parties failed to bring down prices of basic commodities, making the life miserable for a common man. He said the people were no longer ready to accept the decisions made in closed door. The JI, he said, will fight for the rights of people.

Meanwhile, in a letter written to Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) Dr. Sikandar Sultan Raja, Haq stressed upon the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) to remove the impression that the government along with some powers were hell-bent upon using delaying tactics in holding the general elections. He conveyed to CEC the prevailing poor state of economy didn’t allow holding of provincial and national elections separately in the country by consuming billions of rupees so it is his constitutional obligation to take steps for holding both the elections on the same day.

He stated the National Assembly had lost its worth after resignations of more than 100 members of the opposition were accepted. He further said the federal government should have announced holding of general elections while respecting Constitution, democracy and superior political and moral values but it was hell-bent upon keeping the National Assembly and its government intact.

Haq stated that the federal government was forging excuses for getting delayed the general elections and added the Jamaat-e-Islami was in favour of holding provincial and national elections on the same day as prevailing poor state of economy doesn’t allow conducting elections separately by consuming billions of rupees.

He stated that holding of national and provincial assemblies elections separately will create political chaos and polarization which would further create economical, political and administrative instability in the country. Being an independent constitutional institution, he added it is responsibility of ECP to remove this impression that some powers and government were behind these delaying tactics in holding general elections in the country.

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