NTDC intensifies efforts for protection of Transmission Lines from Theft & Sabotage

Staff Report

Lahore – National Transmission and Despatch Company has intensified its efforts for the protection of transmission lines passing through the remote areas of Sindh. In this regard, regular patrolling is being carried out by NTDC security staff with support of local community and assistance from Law Enforcement Agencies. Surveillance/ patrolling is being carried out by the security and technical staff of NTDC in coordination with Sindh Police, law enforcement agencies and local notables.

As a result incidents of theft on the transmission lines have been reduced and miscreants involved in these criminal activities has been apprehended and are under investigation. NTDC is also mulling the option to employ people from the local communities of Sindh through its Corporate Social Responsibility.

Managing Director NTDC, Engr. Dr. Rana Abdul Jabbar Khan has commended the efforts of the Security Directorate and Transmission Line patrolling teams of NTDC in this regard.

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