IG Railways holds meeting to review crime status, security at PR of installations

Staff Report

Lahore: Inspector General Railways Police Dr. Rao Sardar Ali Khan in a video link conference evaluated the performance of SP’s of all divisions and conducted the crime review of last five months.

IG assessed and sought report on unguarded sensitive points and bridges of railways and directed to deploy the security in collaboration with provincial police on war footing.

In view of precarious situation of the country, IG Railways ordered to get the out of order security gadgets be repaired and replaced as soon as possible. He underlined that prime responsibility of railways police is to take preventive measures for the protection of passengers and vital installations of Pakistan Railways.

In a conference, IG was apprised about the shortage of security gadgets i.e. bomb disposal equipments, metal detectors, walk-through gates, luggage scanning machines and explosive detectors by each SP.

He stressed the SP’s to ensure round the clock trolley patrolling of track in close liaison of the concerned Divisional Superintendents. He said that he will take to task the concerned SP if any of his staff found delinquent in their legitimate duties.

In the end, he underscored that we are answerable to Allah for our deeds. We ought to work sincerely and diligently. He advised to take all possible measures for the welfare of the staff.

DIG South, DIG North and AIG Admin were among the participants of the conference

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